As Lao-Tsé , philosopher from ancient China once said: “When the work of the Greatest Leaders is complete, the People say: We did it”!
This may be your Business Victory… and who is the hero in this story?
You are, dear Executive, for your duty is to lead your Team towards Success!
…And “A long journey starts with a single step”… The Decision!
Coaching is result-targeted so it helps Executives and Team Leaders to maximize their potential, and of their collaborators too, by getting real gains as a consequence of the team’s performance and contributing to personal and professional achievement.
Nowadays, companies want more and more from their collaborators, demanding a better and more competitive performance, increased autonomy, self-learning and constant update, so the collaborator needs to develop his resources and skills, becoming versatile and multitasked.
Many aren’t able, or don’t know how to do it, and loose motivation or get frustrated, not achieving their objectives, and the whole team ends up negatively affected.
The best entrepreneurial strategy is obviously to maintain people motivated, professional and productive in their job, which requires providing them development opportunities and personal gratification.
Executive Coaching which is designed for professional or business areas, is emerging and has expanded in an extraordinary manner due to the fact that Corporate Leaders and Stockholders are consecutively and consistently stating that it is a powerful and quantifiable strategic option.
The main reason to implement a Coaching Program in the core of a company is it’s ROI (Return on Investment).
These results may be achieved through profit maximization and costs minimization, better business performance and more competitive advantage.
Coaching is without a doubt the best contemporary career advising and to be effective, it must be strategic and personalized, whilst considering the needs and aspirations of each element and, on the other hand, the approach and goal delineations must obviously be organizationally adapted to the strategy, vision and values of the Company.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary to find a balance between the organization and its internal audience.
This is the secret to obtain business results: Row in the same direction, knowing that the success belongs to everyone and also to each one, and considering this an essential factor.
Executive Coaching allows you to develop capacities and a leadership attitude, factors that are crucial for attaining the desired results, either on a personal, team or organizational level, whilst consecutively helps Team Leaders to become more strategic, motivational and efficient, contributing to more professional teams and collaborators, which will create more satisfied clients, and satisfied clients consequently generate higher profits.
The Organizations that want to get ahead in the present know that their long-term Success is based on their commitment and performance of its collaborators.
According to Noel Tichy, author of The Leadership Engine (1997), “the scarcest resource in the World at the moment is the Leadership Talent that is capable of continuously transform organizations to win in tomorrow’s world”.
Today, successful companies know that recruiting and maintaining talented professionals is something that involves investment. The question is placed on the profit return of that investment. They also are aware that the development of leadership talent within the company will become each time more decisive.
Coaching allows the overcoming of obstacles and limitations, by developing resources and the maximum potential in each individual, in order to achieve Excellence levels.
This way, it strategically contributes to the construction of a solid structure of competence in the organization’s core, whilst developing essential communication, organizational, and motivational resources and results, thus guaranteeing a greater return on that investment.
An efficient Coaching model aims at the Coachee’s autonomy sustained by new-implemented resources and habits. In other words, a desired consequence from this process is constructed on an independence platform regarding the relationship with the Coach, this being a transference mission and not a dependence one.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day… teach him how to fish and he will feed himself for the rest of his life.